Now that we have entered into a new month, it’s a reminder of how fast time really goes. This month of March is very interesting in several ways. Thinking of the months of the year, which one is your favorite? Which one is your least favorite?

My worst month of the year is…..March! Here’s why….
It’s a lying month, it gives you daffodils, then slaps you right in the face with a blizzard! It is unpredictable, you don’t know if you’re getting a lion then a lamb, or a lamb then a lion. 

It’s bi-polar!

Out of all the months it is the most sinful. I suppose we can use the month of March as a good example for what we as Believers should not be. The Scriptures teach us to be kind, love your co-workers, pray for your enemies, be dependable and don’t lie! Don’t be a March!

With all that being said, let’s enjoy March and all that it brings, because it’s pointing us to the promise of Spring!

Pastor Dale